Cautious Git Flow
Cautious Workflow to Check Before Pulling
Ensure You Are on the Right Branch:
First, make sure you are on the correct local branch where you plan to pull changes.
git branch
If you’re not on the correct branch, switch to it:
git checkout <branch-name>
Fetch the Latest Changes Without Merging:
Instead of pulling, first fetch the latest changes from the remote branch to update your local repository with the latest metadata without merging or modifying your working directory:
git fetch origin
This will update your local information about the remote branch but won’t apply any changes to your working directory.
Check the Differences Before Pulling:
Now that you’ve fetched the latest changes, compare your local branch with the remote branch to see what changes would be applied if you pulled:
git diff <branch> origin/<branch>
This command will show the differences between your local branch and the remote branch (e.g.,
for the main branch). Review the differences carefully.Check for Incoming Commits:
To see which commits are incoming (what will be merged into your branch), you can run:
git log <branch>..origin/<branch>
This command shows a log of commits that exist on the remote branch but not on your local branch.
Check for Conflicts:
Before pulling, you may want to check if there are any potential conflicts with your local changes. You can do a “dry run” merge using:
git merge --no-commit --no-ff origin/<branch>
If there are conflicts, Git will notify you, but it won’t actually perform the merge since you used
--no-commit --no-ff
. You can abort the merge at this point if there are conflicts or if you’re not ready to pull.To abort the merge (if you used
), use:git merge --abort
Pull the Latest Changes:
Once you’re satisfied that yu understand what changes are coming and there are no conflicts, you can safely pull the latest changes:
git pull origin <branch>
Summary of Cautious Workflow
- Ensure you’re on the correct branch (
git branch
). - Fetch remote changes without modifying your working directory (
git fetch
). - Review the differences betwe
en your local and remote branches (
git diff
). - Review the incoming commits (
git log <branch>..origin/<branch>
). - Optionally perform a “dry run” merge to check for conflicts (
git merge --no-commit --no-ff
). - Pull the changes when you’re confident (
git pull